Zotero 7 Beta - How to highlight only text covering 2 pages and split by figure?

I'll try to clarify the issue in text as I cannot paste a picture here.

Zotero 7.0.0-beta.54+6b996d4f9 (64-bit)
Running on Windows 11 Pro, Version 23H2

Goal: Highlight and annotate graph which covers 2 pages, and is split by a figure on the top of the second page.

Issue: Text in footer and figure are highlighted too. See below.

Food systems include the range of activities related to producing, processing, distributing, retailing, preparing, and consuming food. These activities are undertaken by a wide range of people (actors) whose activities are influenced by a range of governance and social, policy, www.annualreviews.org • Food System Resilience 513 Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2022.47:511-534. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org Access provided by Wageningen UR on 11/07/22. See copyright for approved use. Natural systems SYSTEMS DRIVERS FOOD SYSTEM OUTCOMES Human systems Food system Feedback Demographics and development Consumption Technology Markets Climate and environment Policy and geopolitics SUPPORTING SERVICES e.g., logistics, finance, communication, research and technology, education INSTITUTIONAL ENVIRONMENT e.g., laws and regulations, standards, norms, informal rules, organizations PRODUCING PROCESSING RETAILING STORING DISPOSING CONSUMING CORE ACTIVITIES Economic and social well-being Food and nutrition security Environmental sustainability Figure 1 A food system: actors, their activities and relationships, what drives them, the food system outcomes, and feedback loops. Data from Foresight4Food (http://www.Foresight4Food.net). technological, market, environmental, and economic drivers, including stresses and shocks. The actors’ activities result in a wide range of social, economic, and environmental outcomes (16, 19).

What I've tried:
- SHIFT + selecting both sections of text with mouse.
- CRTL + selecting both sections of text with mouse.
- CRTL + SHIFT + selecting both sections of text with mouse.

What can I do besides manually editing exported highlights?
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