can't data sync

One of my two computer devices can't sync data. The green “Sync with” button keeps rolling, but no new items are added, and the last sync time was 5 days ago. New items added to this device are not uploaded to Zotero servers either. The “Sync automatically” checkbox was clicked. I clicked the button manually, but it made no difference.
I think another device is syncing regularly and uploading new data to the Zotero servers because I found these items in my library online.
zotero7.0.0-beta.54+6b996d4f9 (64-bit) in two devices both.
Does anyone know where the problem is??
  • Restart Zotero. If you're still having trouble, provide a Debug ID for Zotero startup through a few minutes of initial syncing, using the "Restart with Logging Enabled…" option.
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