Request for an Update of the Nature Communication Reference Style

The reference style for Nature Communications needs some updates. Here are the Nature Communications guidelines. And because this style is dependent of the Nature style, I also link the Nature guidelines, which shows the same necessary changes, if I am not mistaken.

I am quoting the relevant part of the natcomm guidelines.
  • Book
Book titles should be given in italics and all words in the title should have initial capitals [...]
For book citations, the publisher and city of publication are required. Example: Jones, R. A. L. Soft Machines: Nanotechnology and Life Ch. 3 (Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 2004).
Currently, the citation style gives:
Jones, R. A. L. Soft machines: Nanotechnology and life Ch. 3. (Oxford University Press, 2004).

The city of publication is missing and the words don't have initial capital letters. (The item in Zotero is entered in sentence case.)

  • Dataset
Research datasets may be cited in the reference list if they have been assigned digital object identifiers (DOIs) and include authors, title, publisher (repository name), identifier (DOI expressed as a URL). Example:

Hao, Z., AghaKouchak, A., Nakhjiri, N. & Farahmand, A. Global Integrated Drought Monitoring and Prediction System (GIDMaPS) data sets. figshare (2014).
Currently, the citation style gives:
Hao, Z., AghaKouchak, A., Nakhjiri, N. & Farahmand, A. Global integrated drought monitoring and prediction system (GIDMaPS) data sets. (2014) doi:10.6084/M9.FIGSHARE.853801.

The publisher/repository name is missing, the DOI should be in a form of an URL and the year should be at the end. (In Zotero, the Repository field is populated with "figshare" and the Extra field with "Publisher: Figshare")

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