Zotero is updating your document please wait...

Zotero keeps showing this message, anytime I wannt to add/edit a citation or do anything with zotero on google docs. I can see the red progress bar but nothing is progressing, no matter how long i wait. does anyone have an idea how to fix it?
  • What OS and browser are you using?

    Restart your browser and try again, and make sure the citation dialog isn't just appear behind your other windows. That's the most likely situation. The citation dialog window is part of the Zotero app.

    If you're sure it's not that, try disabling all your browser extensions (particularly Google Docs Offline) and reload Google Docs, and then try again.
  • I have the same problem where the red bar appears, the document shows a blue hyperlink that says "updating" and it stays like that for up to 10 minutes until I reload. I have reinstalled zotero, closed the browser, cleared the cookies, and still the same issue.
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