Help installation for Mac

Is there a fix for this problem during the installation?
Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Lese- und Schreibberechtigungen für alle Dateien im Zotero-Datenverzeichnis haben, und, dass Sicherheitssoftware den Zugriff von Zotero auf das Verzeichnis nicht verhindert.

Datenverzeichnis: /Users/jacob/Zotero

Vielen Dank
  • That really just means what it says — something, most likely file permissions, is preventing Zotero from reading or writing to its data directory. This could happen if you copied your Zotero files from another computer without using Migration Assistant. You'll need to fix the file permissions for that folder. We can't provide general OS guidance here, but you can do it from the bottom of the File → Get Info window for the folder in Finder.
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