Deleting accounts

Q1) Can you transfer libraries and groups to a new account?
Q2) and can you delete old account?
Q3) Can you save library to Desktop?
Q4) do you loose the library you've created and groups you've joined if computer needs a system repair?
Thankyou in advance for any help
  • yes to 1 and 3, no to 2 and 4
    should have all the info you need.
  • Isn't it a bit strange that you can't delete your account? I start worrying about my privacy... Who's data is it that I upload here?
  • you can delete all data in the account yourself, so that's not really an issue.
    You can also send an e-mail to if you really want an account deleted.

    I'm not sure,though, why there is no option to delete an account.
  • Since you can remove all information about yourself it has not been a priority for us to implement it, and it is non-trivial to do because of the way user accounts are tied together with forum accounts. A placeholder of the account will always remain so that, for example, a useful thread started on the forums by someone would not be lost.
  • I think there is a storng demand for an "delete account" button. If you look at the list of people complaining about it at there is no doubt there shoulod be something like this. I understand that it is not a trivial feature technicallywise. However it is a question of good and trustworthy community governance.
  • No delete or cancel account functionality is very bad web practice -- I'm very surprised this isn't implemented. The fact it's technically difficult is not an excuse. If you want a globally used piece of collaborative software (very nicely done by the way) you must account for elements like this -- in my humble (and expert) opinion
  • Hi - regarding adamsmith's advice above:

    Can i copy and paste a local backup of my zotero data library and paste it into a new, empty account? I am creating a new account for 2 new team members, and would like to import my entire library into those new accounts, incl. attachments. We don't want a shared library.

    I've just created a new firefox profile and zotero account for each person.
  • yes, you can do that. Not 100% sure how that'd work with groups - there are some tricky issues with that - but for personal libraries it'll work without problems.
  • As a note to those who find this thread in the future: it is possible to delete accounts now from
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