Zotero Connector and Case.law / CourtListener
Much free U.S. legal research is done using Harvard's Caselaw Access Project (url: case.law) and the Free Law Project's CourtListener website (url: courtlistener.com) .
It would be very useful if these two sites behaved in the same way as Google Scholar's case law resources (https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=6) when used with Zotero Connector, i.e. the cases are automatically recognized as court opinions by the connector and imported with the relevant information and fields (see, for an example, https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=9834052745083343188)
For CourtListener, this covers URLs starting with https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/
For Case.law, this covers URLs starting with https://cite.case.law/
I would be grateful for any assistance you can offer with making this possible.
Much free U.S. legal research is done using Harvard's Caselaw Access Project (url: case.law) and the Free Law Project's CourtListener website (url: courtlistener.com) .
It would be very useful if these two sites behaved in the same way as Google Scholar's case law resources (https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=6) when used with Zotero Connector, i.e. the cases are automatically recognized as court opinions by the connector and imported with the relevant information and fields (see, for an example, https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=9834052745083343188)
For CourtListener, this covers URLs starting with https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/
For Case.law, this covers URLs starting with https://cite.case.law/
I would be grateful for any assistance you can offer with making this possible.
I use a paid service to access Malaysian and Indian cases. I also use Westlaw for US cases. When I find cases I want, how do I include it in my library ( do I need to download the whole case? or can I just get the search returns into my library like its possible to do with saving search returns automatically on Web of Science?
Secondly, like the other bibliographic category questions, I want to be able to separately group statutes, parliamentary debates and cases from journal articles and theses.
Is there a video link showing us how to do that with our existing library?