Dark mode on mobile app

I downloaded Zotero (on iOS) not too long ago, and I could go into a PDF’s settings, and under “Appearance” I could set it to “Dark,” which would apply to the PDF. But ever since the most recent update, dark mode applies to everything except PDFs. I haven’t been reading within the app anymore because it strains my eyes. Highlighting no longer works either, it just strangely fades the text a bit but doesn’t actually highlight it. Is this a common issue?
  • Hey @abolisher, unfortunately I cannot reproduce what you are describing.

    - Can you check what is the Appearance PDF setting currently? Is it still set to Dark?
    - Does it happen with all PDF attachments?
    - Can you please provide a video of this happening, as well as the highlighting issue. You can reply with a link here, or send it to support@zotero.org and mention this thread.
  • Not sure if I'm experiencing the same problem, but this is the closest match I've found in the search…

    I'm using the Zotero iOS app version 1.0.33 Build 261 on iPadOS 15.8.2. I've set my appearance in iOS to persistently dark mode and I've set the pdf view in the Zotero app to be dark as well.

    Whenever I open a pdf in the Zotero app, the interface is in dark mode, but the pdf is rendered in light mode (black text on white background). By setting the pdf reader appearance to Light and back to Dark (or Automatic), the pdf correctly renders with white text on black background.

    Compared to the original poster, this issue is only mildly annoying, but I would prefer to not have to deal with it constantly.
  • Hey @Ostengel, same as for the original poster, unfortunately we cannot reproduce this issue. Can you please provide a video of this happening? You can reply with a link here, or send it to support@zotero.org and mention this thread. Thank you.
  • @Ostengel we pinpointed the issue and we'll include a fix in an upcoming version. Thanks for reporting this.
  • @Ostengel: Fixed now in 1.0.35
  • @abolisher: You can test if 1.0.35 fixes things for you as well.
  • @dstillman: I’m sorry for not responding earlier, I for some reason didn’t think to check my email. But I just updated the app and the issue is fixed, thank you! I’ll be using the app to read again.
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