batch Zotero derivation

When you derive items from a bibliographic database in Zotero using the little "yellow folder" icon, the selection window only takes into account part of the available references. I've tried this with Worldcat, BNF and IdRef, but I can't quite make out the selection criteria. Perhaps Zotero only takes into account the Unimarc 700 field and excludes all others 7XX? Or does it only take the author function code? Is there a way to set Zotero to take all available items into account?
Thank you for help
  • Generally, the folder icon of the Save to Zotero icon (which I assume you're talking about here?) should show all items currently shown on the page. If that's not what you're seeing, we'd want exact steps to reproduce (which browser, which Zotero version, what search terms on which page)
  • The problem arises when I save in Zotero from a reference search IdRef ( or the BNF catalog ( The browser is Google Chrome. Zotero version is (but other colleagues with different versions have the same problem).
    For exemple in the BNF catalog the search autorithy "Pettinaroli, Laura" shows 4 references in all, but the Zotero window only shows 2 items to select. In worldcat sometimes it works sometimes no...

  • Thanks -- so first, you need to find a way to update Zotero. You're on a version that's many years behind the current stable version and a number of things related to import will be broken for you.

    That said, for BnF, we only currently look for the authors of items (printed in bold on the search result page), which is why it's missing all the other items without an author in the listing. We should be able to fix this.
    We'd need similar examples for the two other catalogs you mention (but please do update Zotero before testing)
  • I'll contact you as soon as my administrator authorizes the update (automatic updates are not allowed in my institution). I can then retest the derivations in zotero from the IdRef, Worldcat etc. databases.
    Thank you
  • BnF is now fixed. I don't see Zotero doing anything on (though you can export to e.g. MarcXML, which Zotero will import)
  • Thank you very much for your help. I have installed the latest version of Zotero. After various tests, I believe that the number of items displayed in the zotero selection window also varies according to the type of catalog. IdRef, for example, is a database of authorities and not a classic bibliographic catalog. To import IdRef into zotero, you need to select the permalink. Example: (Marin, Brigitte). The number of items displayed in the Zotero window is limited. On the other hand, if I do the same search in the Sudoc catalog (IdRef and Sudoc are the same network) all the items are displayed per page. Eexmple still with Marin, Brigitte : . I hope I've made myself clear, it's not easy to explain...
    Thanks again for your interest and help. I'm trying to figure out how it all works, as I'm training library users in the use of library catalogs and Zotero.
  • Got it, yes -- so IdRef is a special case in that it displays references from many different databases (sudoc, BnF, etc.) and doesn't have its own metadata record for those. That poses specific challenges for Zotero and currently only a subset of the databases are supported -- these need to be individually coded so that's quite a bit of effort for each one. @symac wrote the translator, so he might be able to say more about the viability of adding additional ones (looks like, e.g., links to Sudoc aren't currently being picked up)
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