How to differentiate a bibliography from a sitography using a single zotero folder ?
For my final Master's degree (I'm french), I have to separate the bibliography and sitography into an end-of-document presentation. My teachers have asked me to use the Embo journal style until now. The problem is that I don't know how to differentiate between documents that come from websites, which should go in the sitography, and those that come from books or pubmed-type scientific articles, which go in the bibliography. My instructions are to separate documents from websites, which should be quoted between square brackets and underlined in the body of the text (I use Word so I'd like to do this using the zotero citation insertion tool), and then separated into a webography/sitography so as to provide a link to the site, its name, the author and the date. On the other hand, documents from articles must be cited in the text as follows: (Name, date).
Is it possible to do this using zotero? Or is there no way for me to tell the difference? Because the only solution I have at the moment is to select all my documents by hand and then "create a bibliography from the document".
Thanks in advance!
Is it possible to do this using zotero? Or is there no way for me to tell the difference? Because the only solution I have at the moment is to select all my documents by hand and then "create a bibliography from the document".
Thanks in advance!
adamsmithIt's possible, but would require a significant amount of editing of the citation style, especially with the somewhat unusual requirement to also distinguish websites in in-text citations. How many web resources do you have? Depending on the answer, it might be faster to just do the webpages by hand.
charlotte_rouhierI have over 300 different resources in total (including articles, books, sites, ...) and about 50 sites, I'd say, so I think you're right, it will be easier if I do it by hand. Thank you very much for your reply.
emrullahaltuntasI have same problem. :/