Importing a Mastodon post
I see from there's an importer for Mastodon posts - Grand, many thanks.
However, I'm having a little difficulty when I attempt to import a post from my Mastodon Bookmarks area as I end up at an error page.
The URL that's recorded in Zotero is of the form https://PosterInstance/@PosterName/ALongNumber, which gives an error. If I click on the post in my Bookmarks area and copy the URL I get https://MyInstance/@PosterName@PosterInstance/ALongNumber. Note 'ALongNumber' is the same in both cases.
Again in my Bookmarks area of Mastodon if I select 'Open original page' I get https://PosterInstance/@PosterName/ASlightlyDifferentLongNumber. This is of the same format as the URL imported into Zotero but the 'LongNumber' is different... so I'm wondering whether it's this number that Zotero should be importing (i.e. 'ASlightlyDifferentLongNumber' rather than 'ALongNumber').
Of course, I could be doing it wrong.
I hope this makes sense. Many thanks for all the hard work that goes into this fantastic app and I hope everyone managed a decent break at some point in thelast few weeks and wish you all the best for 2024.
However, I'm having a little difficulty when I attempt to import a post from my Mastodon Bookmarks area as I end up at an error page.
The URL that's recorded in Zotero is of the form https://PosterInstance/@PosterName/ALongNumber, which gives an error. If I click on the post in my Bookmarks area and copy the URL I get https://MyInstance/@PosterName@PosterInstance/ALongNumber. Note 'ALongNumber' is the same in both cases.
Again in my Bookmarks area of Mastodon if I select 'Open original page' I get https://PosterInstance/@PosterName/ASlightlyDifferentLongNumber. This is of the same format as the URL imported into Zotero but the 'LongNumber' is different... so I'm wondering whether it's this number that Zotero should be importing (i.e. 'ASlightlyDifferentLongNumber' rather than 'ALongNumber').
Of course, I could be doing it wrong.
I hope this makes sense. Many thanks for all the hard work that goes into this fantastic app and I hope everyone managed a decent break at some point in thelast few weeks and wish you all the best for 2024.
adamsmithYeah, I'm seeing the same, thanks for reporting. When I wrote the Mastodon importer, I assumed the post ID would be stable across instances but it doesn't appear to be. Not sure how we'll solve this, but it might just mean we can't get the 'canonical' version of a link and will always save the one relative to your instance? I'll see what I can find out
-, grand, thank you. I'll manually update with the canonical link for the moment.