items in the zotero database not found in advanced search

edited December 28, 2023
I sometimes can't find items in Zotero. Here is an example from today:

Searching for a phrase in quotes doesn't find any items even though you can see an item in the list that should have been found:

Searching for the same phrase without quotes brings up several items. Some of them should have been found in the previous search:

This is super frustrating. I see an article online that I'm not sure I already have, can't find it, then download it and soon after find out that I had it already. Now I have two items of the same article and lots of time wasted.
  • Pretty sure advanced search "contains" is already a phrase search and the quotation marks are literally searching for quotation marks. You can use quotation marks in the quick search.
  • edited December 28, 2023
    Right, thanks. I must be really tired today.
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