[Android] Hard to move between onboarding screens

It's great that there's now an official Zotero app for Android! Hope that the source code will be released in due time.

Anyway, I just wanted to chip in with a relatively small UX comment on the onboarding: on the first screens it's s bit hard to move between the introduction slides. There's two issues:
1. Between the bottom of the image and the top of the slide indicators, my gestures aren't captured -a swipe left doesn't do anything. This is particularly noticeable on large form factors (big screens).
2. The slides are a bit too 'resistant'; when starting with my thumb on the edge of the screen and moving to above the slide/position indicators (not super quickly), the slide will bounce back rather than going to the next slide.

And a side node regarding the onboarding: the texts are a bit on the small side; it'd be good to increase them a bit.

Otherwise it looks nice!
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