Response to a pull request for a new style on GitHub

edited December 22, 2023
I created a pull request (Create isara-iso-690-en.csl #6462) on Mar 17, 2023 to create the English version of the french "Isara - ISO-690" style submitted in August 2022, adapted to the requirements of our engineering school (Lyon, France). We want to make sure that the bibliography is in English for all our students, not that it adapts to the language of the user's device.
I received a comment from adam3smith (@adamsmith ?) on Mar 28 and answered his question on Apr 28 but since then I can see no other answer or action despite my following messages.
Can you please tell me if I should close my pull request and create a new one?
Thank you in advance.
odebiez on GitHub
  • Sorry about that. The CSL repository is separate from Zotero. Could you post a short message in your PR to bump it into my inbox and I'll get to it before the new Year
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