Format of notes incl. their quotation in Word

Dear Zotero-community,

working with Zotero and Word is very comfortable. Formatting the in-text-citations, notes and bibliography entries works very well with Word's format templates. Just formatting the notes from Zotero inluding their references (in-text or in the notes at the end of the page) is hard because the format templates (notes: "highlight" and references: "Standard (Web)") can't be adjusted smoothly. They can either only be adjusted in a very limited way ("highlight") or the adjustments don't have effects on the text they should format ("Standard (Web)").
Is their a way to insert notes from Zotero to Word with another format template like for example the "Standard"?

I'm very used to working with format templates in word, so I'd be glad do so also with the notes.

Thanks for any help!

Kind regards
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