Zotero 7 Beta: Highlights and Underlines are copied differently

When annotating a PDF by highlighting some text in it, then copying it with ctrl+c and pasting it in a text editor results in a link to the entry in your database and the link to its PDF with the page number and annotation. But when doing the same with an underline, you'll only get the link to the entry in your database, although it should also contain the link to the PDF.

In Zotero's settings, the export format for notes is obviously "markdown" including Zotero links.

highlights create:
„highlighted text“ ([“title”, 2017, p. 67](zotero://select/library/items/66LB3SXR)) ([pdf](zotero://open-pdf/library/items/VKYNWDVE?page=67&annotation=7BR5R6EC))

underlines create:
„underlined text“ ([“title”, 2017, p. 67](zotero://select/library/items/66LB3SXR))

The same happens with the EPUB reader.

I guess, the "open-pdf" part there has to be changed to something like "open-epub" so that Zotero would open the EPUB in the built-in editor at the linked place. Also, the "([pdf]" has to be changed to "([epub]" in the exported text.

Observing with 7.0.0-beta.53+969031a37 on Ubuntu.

Perhaps it makes sense to tackle this bug in connection with the following request: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/107409/zotero-7-beta-add-note-template-variable-for-underlines
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