Word plugin for Mac: Problem with search

I am not able to search by author. The plugin citation search window (Mac, has no "Z" in the left corner) suddenly only allows search by note. I only have notes on a few articles out of hundreds, so I can use the zotero plugin to add citations.
  • You're clicking Add Note, not Add/Edit Citation.
  • No, the problem is that add citation is acting like add note. It seems to happen if I select add note. Then after that selecting add citation acts like add note. The only way I can get it back is to then try to add a citation by selecting a note. Then undoing the mess. Sometimes then it starts behaving property, but other times I have to do it several times. There is some bug.
  • edited December 17, 2023
    This would happen if you click Add Note first and then don't close it properly by pressing Esc or inserting a note. If you just click away, clicking any other button, such as Add/Edit Citation, will just bring the yellow Add Note window to the front. Same the other way around.
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