APA inline citations incorrect format.


I am wondering if there is a way to modify the APA 7th custom format to correct the issue with inline citations.

Per the APA 7th edition Parenthetical Citations that occur at the end of a sentence should include the author and date (Cook, 2023). This is exactly how Zotero formats these inline references in Word.

However, if you are citing within a sentence you should use a Narrative citation which would format it: Cook (2023), instead of including the author within the parenthesis.

Is there a way I can modify the custom format to accommodate this change?
  • Customize the citation and use Omit Author. See "Narrative Citations with Omit Author” there.

    (A way to do this without retyping the author's name is planned, but it's complicated.)
  • Any news on this feature yet?
    Honestly, the APA 7th formatting is confusing in this way. However, this would still be a useful feature to prevent issues synchronising the citations with the source.
  • I have the same problem. I changed the style (ab)using Locators to choose between parenthetical and narrative citation. The problem though is, that on multiple citations each get their own brackets. CSL lacks the possibility of defining alternative layouts (nesting layout in a choose). Zotero can't fix this without csl changing its specs. And the omit author option is actually not an option as it completely defeats the purpose of Zotero...
  • I would love to be updated on that when this feature will work properly.
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