Can't donwload PDFs


I can't seem to download any PDFs using the connector anymore. It can save links but not download the PDF.

This is the article I wanted to save:

Thank you.
  • edited December 12, 2023
    What exactly happens when you try to save? Does a PDF line not appear in the save popup, or does a red X appear?

    If the former, is PDF saving still turned on in the General pane of the Zotero settings, and are you saving to a library where files are allowed (i.e., not a group library with files disabled)?

    If you can't figure it out, provide a Debug ID from the Zotero app for reloading the page and trying to save.
  • PDF line appeared, but there's no PDF file saved on my Zotero.

    In the General settings, I already checked the "Automatically attach associated PDFs and other files when saving items"

    I have tried to follow the Debug Output logging procedure, and this error came up: An error occurred sending debug output.
  • PDF line appeared, but there's no PDF file saved on my Zotero.
    If you're seeing the line and the file isn't saving, you should be seeing a red X next to it.

    Can you also not provide a Report ID? If you can't submit error reports, Zotero likely can't connect to the internet at all, and all sorts of things will be broken for you. If that's the case, see Connection Error.
  • I can't find the Report ID but this is the content of the report:

    [JavaScript Error: "The connection was refused when attempting to contact wss://" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/streamer.js" line: 155}]

    [JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

    [JavaScript Error: "Request timed out"]

    [JavaScript Error: "Request timed out"]

    [JavaScript Error: "Request timed out"]

    [JavaScript Error: "Request timed out"]

    version => 6.0.30, platform => MacIntel, oscpu => Intel Mac OS X 10.16, locale => en-US, appName => Zotero, appVersion => 6.0.30, extensions => Zotero LibreOffice Integration (6.0.4.SA.6.0.30, extension), Zotero Word for Mac Integration (6.0.10.SA.6.0.30, extension)


    Sorry, I've read the Connection Error page but I don't really understand about proxies
  • And yes, I think I cannot submit the error reports.
  • Is this an institutional computer? Are you behind a proxy, or running third-party security software? If you have an IT department, you'll need to ask them. The linked page really provides all the information we can provide on this, so you can point someone technical to that page, but they would then have to debug this on your computer.
  • Yes, I'm using my institute's LAN connection, so it seems to be the issue. I will try it again at home to see if the same problem occurs.

    Thank you very much for your quick response!
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