How to edit a style so it does not display journal publishers in the biography?

edited December 11, 2023

I am enjoying the style for the journal "International Organizations" which I found in the Zotero Style Repository:

Unfortunately, it includes journal publishers in the bibliography. This makes the full reference look something like this:

- Doe, John. 2024. Name of journal article. Awesome Journal 27 (3). SAGE Publications Ltd: 240-250.

I've been looking at my references in Zotero, and it seems like either the Chrome plugin or the DOI-import tool includes journal publishers in the Extra field. It looks something like this: "Publisher: SAGE Publications Ltd."

Can someone guide me so I can edit the style and exclude journal publishers? I've tried the Visual CSL Editor, but this is a bit too complicated for me, I am afraid.

Thanks a lot!
  • You'd want to exclude journal articles from the publisher macro so tak
    <macro name="publisher">
    <group delimiter=": ">
    <text variable="publisher-place"/>
    <text variable="publisher"/>

    change to
    <macro name="publisher">
    <if type="article-journal" match="none">
    <group delimiter=": ">
    <text variable="publisher-place"/>
    <text variable="publisher"/>

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