Import problem / Error report ID : 987614724

I exported 4 references from the Web of Science site using the "EndNote Desktop" format. When I import them into Zotero, this error message appears: "An error occurred when attempting to import the file selected with "XML ContextObject". Please check that the file is valid and try again".
A folder is created but it's empty, the references don't appear.
My operating system is Windows11.
I did the same thing on Windows10 and I didn't have the same problem.
Thank you in advance for your help!

  • Reset your translators from the Advanced → Files and Folders pane of the Zotero preferences. If you previously had Better BibTeX installed and no longer do, that can break things. (We've fixed that for Zotero 7.)
  • Thanks for your answer! It's perfect! Now it works!
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