Is it possible to add explanatory footnotes or endnotes in a zotero (stand-alone) note?

edited November 23, 2023
As citation is more smooth within Zotero notes and Zotero allows better collaboration, I am trying to use Zotero notes for writing paper parts instead of using other software (the final notes will be imported by Zotero MSWord plugin afterwards).

My question, Does Zotero notes allow adding footnotes or endnotes to add some comments ? I mean additional footnotes for additional information or clarification (not necessarily including references or citations )?

Thanks for all your efforts and help

  • edited November 23, 2023
    Two workarounds I tried are:

    First Workaround:
    Adding a special sign (ie: * or $$ ) to signal footnote locations, then manually add those footnotes after exporting to MSWord.. This might be time consuming in cases of large number of footnotes. May be there is a way to automate this process in word itself.

     Second work around:
    1)adding a dummy item manually as a manuscript with special author name and title (ZZZZ for both for instance)
    2)using this dummy item in notes to insert citation were I need to add footnotes using the prefix and suffix fields to add the desired footnotes
    3) importing the Zotero note from word, unlinking citation and using find and replace to delete the dummy item parts (ZZZZ or ZZZZ, “ZZZZ”; ...etc)

    This will work smoothly only when I am using a fullnote citation style.

    I am not sure if Markdown for footnote works in Zotero notes and can be imported in MSWord.

    So if there is a more direct solution in zotero notes to add endnotes (other than citations) this will be really more helpful.
  • edited December 23, 2023
    I second this feature request. I could write my entire paper in Zotero in fact if it were not for the inability to add footnotes !!
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