Paper incorrectly flagged as retracted

The following paper was incorrectly flagged as retracted in my Zotero library:

Ma H, Marti-Gutierrez N, Park SW, et al. Correction of a pathogenic gene mutation in human embryos. Nature. 2017;548(7668):413-419. doi:10.1038/NATURE23305

In Retraction Watch, the item is also not marked as retracted:

Lastly, I'd like to suggest implementing a feature into Zotero where a right-click would have an option to report an incorrectly flagged paper (instead of people having to come here every time) - thank you!!
  • Sorry about that. The Retraction Watch data now comes from Crossref, and the dataset now includes expressions of concern, which we weren't getting before. You can see that that paper does have an expression of concern (or at least is marked as such in the database — the linked article gives some context).

    We added recent retraction data last night for the first time since the acquisition and included the EoCs by accident, but we've now removed them. Your Zotero should reflect this change within the next 24 hours, or you can toggle extensions.zotero.retractions.enabled off and on from the Config Editor in the Advanced pane of the preferences to trigger the update now.
    instead of people having to come here every time
    To be clear, there's no "every time" here — this was just a systemic bug from a major change to the upstream dataset, so this was the appropriate place to report something like this.
  • Would you be up for somehow including EoCs, either with a different label and/or behind a preference? They are frequently highly pertinent information, so would be cool to have easy flagging
  • Yeah, I meant to say that we could definitely do that now. Some differences, off the top of my head:
    • Different styling (e.g., a yellow info box instead of red, and a yellow icon in the items list)
    • A pref to disable
    • No warning in the word processor plugins
    • Maybe no special collection
    • Probably no banner across the top of the window on detection — that has a "View Items" button, which wouldn't work without a special collection, and the detection will happen at the same time as retractions, so if both triggered, it would be awkward to have two banners
  • edited November 23, 2023
    It looks like we also have corrections available now. We could treat those the same way as EoCs, but then I think we’d need the option to hide individual correction notices, since once you’ve read it you may not want a permanent warning.
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