Zotero mistakenly identifies the identical doctoral thesis and journal article as duplicate entries.

I have a problem:
In the Zotero Items, there is a doctoral thesis and a journal article with the same title. I have selected "Journal Article" and "Thesis" in the Item style field, respectively. However, Zotero mistakenly identifies the identical doctoral thesis and journal article as duplicate entries, even though it is evident that they are distinct. In this situation, how can I prevent them from being flagged as duplicates?

Thank you.

Best regards,
  • https://www.zotero.org/support/duplicate_detection#finding_duplicates
    Zotero currently uses the the title, DOI, and ISBN fields to determine duplicates. If these fields match (or are absent), Zotero also compares the years of publication (if they are within a year of each other) and author/creator lists (if at least one author last name plus first initial matches) to determine duplicates. The algorithm will be improved in the future to incorporate other fields.

    At this time, it is not possible to mark false positive matches as non-duplicates. This functionality will be added in the future.
  • Thank you, then I don't need to worry about them for now. I will handle it once the functionality is improved in the future.
    Thank you once again.
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