Full text/Pdf

I have access to many journals through the website of my university (rproxy).
if i am, say on ScienceDirect website, and i found a paper that i would like to grab, zotero is importing only the reference of the paper but he is not downloading for me the pdf file for which i have the access. i will have to download it separately, and then grab it into zotero on the corresponding reference.
shouldn't zotero be doing that automatically?
thank you
  • This depends on the individual site translator, but do you have "Automatically attach associated PDFs and other files" enabled in the General pane of the Zotero preferences?
  • Thank you Dan for your swift reply
    Yes i have it enabled. sometimes zotero grab the weblink to the pdf file but not the pdf file itself.
  • You'll have to provide examples, with URLs.
  • Dan, sorry it seems when i double checked the file is indeed downloaded but i got confused when i saw the weblink to the file, but in fact the pdf file is in the storage folder on my disk. So thank you and excuse me.

    Just small question Dan, how come the abstract is not displayed in the note field on the right panel? only when i import references from Endnote that abstracts got displayed as notes. is there anything i can do to have the abstract displayed?
    thank you
  • There's a separate abstract field where abstracts should go. Again, abstracts depend on the particular site translator & reference you're trying to pull, so URLs would help.
  • Hello,
    Im sorry for my late reply.

    I know that there is an abstract field. But there is no field in Zotero in the right pane (next to info, notes, tags and related) where abstract is displayed.

    For example: im on pubmed and i found a reference that i want to grab


    So i click on the small icon next to the address bar and voila i have it in zotero.
    Now lets say that later im organizing my library in Z (in categories and sub cat) and i forget what exactly each paper is talking about, so instead of opening the related pdf files i should be able to have a quick look on the abstracts of each reference. But Unfortunately i cant see where the abstract is displayed.
    On the other hand, when i import my data from Endnote to Z, each reference has an attached note file that contain the abstract.
    So is it possible to have the abstracts displayed in the right pane?

    Thank you
  • no, not at the moment - obviously you can see the abstract in the right had panel (but you'll have to click on the field to see the whole thing at times) - so it's slight less convenient to scroll through.
    The reason Endnote export writes that into a note is actually a bug/mistaken use of the RIS export by Endnote (if you care for the details: they write the abstract to the AB tag, which per RIS specifiactions is a note - the abstract should go into N2).
  • Aha interesting!

    OK Zotero has a lot of advantages (not limited to the wonderful fast and respectful replies) that it can afford some little troubles of clicking or scrolling to see the complete abstract.

    But why the right panel is fixed? It seems i cant hide it or size it down. It would have been so helpful to have a full view of my references (authors, year, the totality of the title) especially that i have more than 2000 refs.
  • there are a whole bunch of threads requesting the possibility to hide the right panel - not sure if there is actually an open ticket for this, but I'd be surprised if that isn't addressed at some point in the future.
    I think the reason it's not removable (or possible to shrink) as of now has to do with the way Firefox handles interface items - but I'm not sure.
  • very intersting! Thanks for the info
    But do you think having the right pane on the bottom instead would be easier to do?
    Like this you will feel the screen is wider!
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