Export Quick Copy Question

I use BetterBibTex with Zotero and I know that is a 3rd party plugin but I wanted to see if anyone here knew the answer to my question.

I use it with Obsidian but renaming my files using the citation key works well for organizing my stuff.

Right now, I like to do a ctrl+shift+c to copy a direct link back to Zotero that I can paste in Obsidian using the Markdown Link URI option in the export settings. I really don't need all of that though so I was wondering if I could get it to use the citation key instead.

Right now it looks like this.
[Smith. 2023. The Title of the Source](zotero://select/items/zoteroID)

Want I want...

I've tried a number of Export settings but none seem to do it. Appreciate any help or advice on this. Thanks!
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