Add table of cases?

Hi :)

for my law thesis, I am looking to create a "table of cases" and a table of laws apart from the bibliography. So essentially I would need three different kinds of sources listed in different tables. Can this be done automatically with zotero and if not, what would you recommend?

Thanks in advance!
  • Hello @Helenwrites
    If you want to create a table of cases and laws identifying pages they were mentioned in word , this will require preparations in word itself.

    Assuming you need to create different sections of bibliography according to item type, I am not sure but I think Zotero does not have yet the feature to group bibliography by type (this will be a great addition either directly or through plugins, and it is already implemented in some other reference management software as citavi although not perfectly).

    As a workaround you can:

    = use tags of "embedded cases" and "embedded laws" or anything similar in your zotero library so that you can add select your cases afterwords and create a separate bibliography for them

    = You can also add some signs to the titles of these laws and cases (@l and @c for instance or any other codes or signs that you are sure they will not be used in your thesis or zotero items otherwise) so that you can easily identify and separate your cases and laws from the generated bibliography . You can then use Advanced search and replace in word to remove these signs.

    If possible, it is better to add those signs to item properties that you are sure will not appear in intext or footnote citation and will only appear in bibliography.

    Some other workarounds are available in other discussions about creating sections of references in bibliography

    These are all workarounds and I am also waiting if there are any other better solutions.

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