Webdav sync error on fresh zotero install


I have been using zotero to sync my files on a personal webDAV server for many months but I have just encountered a problem with the zotero 2.0rc2. When installing zotero on a new computer with a fresh install of firefox I get a sync error.

"The file '2339B754/Liz-Marzan et al. - 1996 - Synthesis of Nanosized Gold - Silica Core - Shell Part.pdf' could not be created in the Zotero 'storage' directory."

Strangely on my other computers where I have upgraded from the previous version of zotero to 2.0rc2 where I have already downloaded the library and it's attachments I have no problems with syncing.

Any ideas on how to sort this out?

Report ID: 687606870


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