Feature request: "number of annotations" column

As far as I can tell, merging two citations with attachments involves:

- merging the citation data (via UI)
- all notes get merged
- PDFs (and other attachments?) from the main citation selected during the merge get moved to the merged citation
- Attachments from the other citation(s) get put in the trash.

This all seems reasonable, except that it's a bit annoying if you have good citation data on your first citation, and good annotations on your second citation. Figuring this out is not super hard, but it's a bit clunky, since you have to open both PDFs, review whether there's citations, maybe move the attachments from one citation to another, etc.

It would be really nice if there was a "number of annotations" column in the main table view, so you could easily see if a PDF had useful annotations. This would help during merging, and also while cleaning out the trash.
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