Kindle or Perlego edition doesn't format correctly for SBL style

Adding 'Medium: Kindle' in the Extra field, or adding 'Kindle edition' to the Edition field, doesn't result in the correct ebook format for SBL, when using the SBL 2 style sheet. It is necessary to manually move the 'Kindle edition' from before the publisher's details to after it in the footnote, and to manually move it to the end of the citation in the bibliography. The result should look like this (SBL 2nd ed. 6.2.25):

14. Henning Graf Reventlow, From the Old Testament to Origen. Vol. 1 of History of Biblical Interpretation, trans. Leo G. Perdue (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009), Nook edition, ch. 1.3.

18. Reventlow, From the Old Testament to Origen, ch. 1.3.

Reventlow, Henning Graf. From the Old Testament to Origen. Volume 1 of History of Biblical Interpretation. Translated by Leo G. Perdue. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2009. Nook edition.

Are there any suggestions, or plans to address the need for an ebook format that would help?

Or is it possible to manually edit the style sheet to produce this result? (I'm not very proficient to make such major changes to style sheet coding myself, but could give it a go if pointed in the right direction.)
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