Z7 beta: Title case/Sentence case conversion - small issue

edited December 4, 2023
I've commented about how pleased I am with the ability of the case converter for the title of an article to "smartly" handle abbreviations and acronyms.

Please make a small adjustment to fix an issue when the first character is not a letter but a punctuation mark (such as a quotation mark or a square or round bracket). When the first character is not a letter, the first letter is converted to lower case. I'm sure that wasn't intended.

Thank you.


Even after several weeks, I still smile when I case-convert and do not need to edit things such as UK, U.S., NASA, CoViD-19, etc.
  • edited December 4, 2023
    Thank you for fixing this. I appreciate your attention to my request.

    Oops I spoke too soon. If the first letyter is an "I" after a quote the upper case is retained but if is any other letter the first word still begins with a lower case letter.
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