Text highlight does not capture any words
Hi there
I have just noticed that when highlighting text in the following document https://ecdpm.org/application/files/4916/5546/8895/DP-179-Resource-Based-Industrialisation-Africa-September-2015-ECDPM.pdf , the outcome is an absolute scramble of unrelated text, e.g.: "SUDJPDWLF DQG FRQVWUXFWLYH ZD\".
This does not seem to happen with titles, only with actual text.
Do you know how I can solve this problem?
Thank you!
I have just noticed that when highlighting text in the following document https://ecdpm.org/application/files/4916/5546/8895/DP-179-Resource-Based-Industrialisation-Africa-September-2015-ECDPM.pdf , the outcome is an absolute scramble of unrelated text, e.g.: "SUDJPDWLF DQG FRQVWUXFWLYH ZD\".
This does not seem to happen with titles, only with actual text.
Do you know how I can solve this problem?
Thank you!
martynas_bThe PDF file text layer is broken and other PDF viewers can't copy the text as well.
ojobrOk. Thank you!