Theoretical or practical library size limit?
Besides the storage sizes in the various paid plans, I couldn't find any information on the size limit that a zotero library can reasonably handle. I was curious as my Zotero appears to have been slowing down/crashing more as my library grows. I do have the unlimited plan.
Generally, and especially on Windows, Zotero 7 will work much better with large libraries. If you've been seeing crashes on Zotero 6 on Windows, these were very likely out of memory crashes that are much less of an issue with Z7 (which is a 64-bit app by default) Even with Zotero 6, though, libraries with ~20k items are the norm, and even libraries with ~100k items aren't unheard of, though you should expect some performance issues.
We know of libraries with up to 500k items, but that's getting iffy, performance-wise.
All of these limits are practical and also depend on the hardware used, of course. There are not theoretical limits imposed on library size.
Biggest concern before updating are incompatible add-ons (Zutilo and ZotFile, most prominently)