problems importing


It's quite possible I'm simply misunderstanding how these formats work, but I'm having a hard time transferring my date using either BibTex or RIS. My info is currently in a web-based bib tool that exports in either BibTex or RIS. In the case of BibTeX, the export generates a file (export.bib) containing BibTex fields that look right to me, like:
@BOOK {,
title = {Videogames: In the Beginning},
author = {Baer, Ralph H.},
year = {2005},
publisher = {Rolenta Press},
address = {Springfield, NJ},

But when I save that file and import it, Zotero works for a bit and then displays a new Imported collection with 0 items. I also tried saving the RIS export and then importing that and Zotero thought it was a single item with all of my other references as notes to that item. Zotero looks great, so I'm probably just doing something wrong. Can someone help me out or provide a more detailed explanation of importing?

  • Oh, nevermind. The software I was using was inserting an extra space between (in this case) BOOK and the opening {.

    It would be nice if Zotero had some kind of feedback dialogue to alert the user to formatting errors in the import.
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