Storage check
How can I check if my institution provides unlimited Zotero storage? Can I privately message one of the Zotero's dev team to check?
dstillmanMake sure you've entered your institutional email address in your account settings and check your storage settings page. If you're covered by institutional storage, it will show that there, and your quota will show as unlimited.
01baftbIf I add my institutional email and if it doesn't provide Zotero storage, will I be able to remove the institutional email from the account and keep my original email ?
dstillmanThe point is just to add your institutional address as a secondary address, so that if your institution ever subscribes to institutional storage, you’ll automatically be covered. It will also let you accept group invitations sent to your institutional email address.
01baftbThank you for the insight. However, I want to confirm, is it possible to secondary email address from the account?
adamsmithSure, you can -- people change email addresses and you obviously need to be able to reflect that in your account.