Can't find the name for the "Number" field for the "Standard" item type

edited October 24, 2023
I have an entry for which the item type is "Standard".

I assumed the following line would insert the contents of the "Number" field (where I put the ISO number):

<text variable="number"/>

But it doesn't work. I also tried <text variable="standard-number"/>

Where can I find the name of the variable for this field? If I change the item type to "Patent", then <text variable="number"/> inserts the "Patent Number" field, but it doesn't work for "Standard".
  • it shoudl be number, yes -- if that doesn't work, that's a bug (we currently don't have the field listings for dataset and standard public)
  • I think it's a bug then. Anyway, I managed to produce the desired result by entering it as a book and putting the ISO number in the "Series" field, but that might not work for other clients with different styles.
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