Possible to use Zotfile custom subfolders with Zotero sync?

Initially I wanted to use Zotfile to i) sync across my computers and iPad and ii) to work with annotations done on my iPad. However, if I got it right, iPad does not support linked files, so that I cannot use a custom folder location on my Drive for syncing (hope I am correct so far). So I subscribed to Zotero for extra storage.

However, I really miss the custon sorting into subfolders that Zotfile does with linked files. I used \%A \%a (%y), so instead of hundreds of nonsensical subfolders, I only had A-Z, and then sorted by author name and year.

Is this feature still possible when using Zotero native syncing?

Also on another note but less important, in Zotfile's Tablet settings, there is an option for custom subfolders for papers sent to and from the iPad. However, this option does not work, i.e. files are just sent to the base folder and no subfolders are created.
  • edited October 24, 2023
    Is this feature still possible when using Zotero native syncing?
    No. When use use file sync -- via webDAV or Zotero File Storage -- files are stored in machine-readable folders in the Zotero storage folders. The idea is that you use Zotero (where your items are, presumably, organized) for file access.
  • edited October 24, 2023
    (Though you can also create a smart folder in your OS that shows you a flat list of all PDFs within your Zotero data directory. Since the files are automatically renamed with Creator - Year first, they'll be sorted by author and year.)
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