How do I view how much storage is actually being used?
Zotero File Storage on my Mac indicates that I have met my quota so I purchased storage. This was a month ago. The alert (yellow triangle with exclamation point) is still showing in Zotero. The link provided that takes me to my account settings indicates that Current Usage for My Library is 0 MB and Total Usage for My Library is 0 MB. Why am I getting an alert icon if my usage is zero after I purchased the 2GB plan? I have to finish my dissertation and crashing or losing my references is not desired (panic would ensue...). What is going on? Where do I look to see how much is actually being used so I don't end up with another corrupt/unusable file? This issue had me considering switching to EndNote but I don't have time to work full time, attend 7 credit hours, complete my dissertation, AND convert Zotero to EndNote so figuring this out would be hugely helpful.
You can email with a link to this thread to ask them to switch your storage to the account you're actually using. You don't want to switch the sync information in your app (that will delete all local data)