Issue: Pasting Citation in correct format

Hi All,

Originally it worked and now it doesn't.

When attempting to drag a citation with this APA style into scrivener like this...

GOV.UK. ‘State of the Water Environment Indicator B3: Supporting Evidence’. Accessed 18 October 2023.

I actually get this...

State of the water environment indicator B3: Supporting evidence—GOV.UK. (n.d.). Retrieved 19 October 2023, from

Does anybody know how I could alter to the correct format?

(I have set the "quick copy" to... American Psychological Association 7th edition in the export settings)

Many Thanks, for any suggestions!

  • That looks like you might be dragging the attached snapshot rather than the actual item with metadata? If not, is the metadata correct, e.g. with GOV.UK in the author field?
  • Yes, you are right! I works when I add the author's name in the reference field.

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