JoVE Journal

Is it possible to add a translator for the JoVE Journal?
Example of article:
  • Sure -- though the data imported using the default translator (i.e. embedded metadata looks pretty flawless to me, so this woudl just help with multiples
  • the data imported using the default translator (i.e. embedded metadata looks pretty flawless to me
    The default translator is indeed "Embedded Metadata" for me also.
    But what it saves is a Web Page instead of Journal Article, without any author, the first fiew words of the abstract followed by "...", and the URL. Also saves the Snapshot, but no PDF or video.
    Are you using a different process? Or is there something wrong on my system?
  • Yes, something's wrong if you're getting a webpage item and no PDF. Can you provide a Debug ID from the Zotero Connector for reloading the page and trying to save?
  • Here it is: D2146770017
    Thank you.
  • From the same Firefox browser, one is working: D2025556245
    And one is failing: D889848652

    Here is another one failing from Chrome on Ubuntu 23.04: D67455776.
  • After more testing, it seems that the problem is due to the website using a different URL whether I am logged-in or not.

    If you login, the DOI takes you to following page, where the Zotero Translator fails (you can test the link without being logged-in):
    Without being logged-in, the DOI takes you to this page, where the Zotero Translator is successful:

    So, in the meantime, I can just use a private navigation window or disconnect to import the correct metadata.
  • ah yes, that's reproducible. We can either go from the app link to the regular link or download the RIS to get the full data. The latter is less resource intensive, but the former might get better data.
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