A more permanent fix for the ISI web of knowledge scraper

Right now, Zotero 2.0rc2's scraper doesn't appear to work with v4.7 of isiknowledge.com

Thomson Reuters also appears to update the website quite often.

Instead, I suggest that the scraper could pull most of the bibliographic data from their SOAP service. Here is a FAQ for the service: http://isiwebofknowledge.com/products_tools/products/related/webservices/ws_faq/

Unfortunately, institutions have to add the following to their EZproxy configuration files in order to enable off-site access:

AnonymousURL -ActiveIP -RE +http://wok-ws\.isiknowledge\.com/esti/.*

Option DomainCookieOnly
Title ISI Databases
URL http://isiknowledge.com/
DJ isiknowledge.com
DJ isihighlycited.com
Host newisiknowledge.com
Host wok-ws.isiknowledge.com
DJ newisiknowledge.com
Host www.isihost.com
DJ isihost.com
Find value="http://
Replace value="http://^A
Find VALUE="http://
Replace VALUE="http://^A
Find rurl=http://
Replace rurl=http://^A
Find product_st_thomas=http://
Replace product_st_thomas=http://^A
Find return_url=http://
Replace return_url=http://^A
Find ST_URL=http://
Replace ST_URL=http://^A
Option Cookie

AnonymousURL -*
  • Can one of the moderators move this post to the "Site Translators" section of the forum?
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