Add all search results via DOI issue.

Hello, I am on the team at Consensus ( and we recently had one of our user report an issue:

Adding all papers from search results page via DOI stopped working.

I was able to reproduce the issue here:

Any idea why it's not working? Our users would appreciate any information you can share!

URL for reference: zinc supplementation treat depression?&synthesize=on

  • edited October 17, 2023
    Very likely issues at CrossRef:
    While they're not reporting outage for content negotiation, in my experience, when this many services are affected, that does affect our ability to get metadata reliably.

    Nope, it's not crossref, something going wrong with the connector. I'm only seeing that in Firefox, works with other browsers.

    Debug ID is D19716254
    Relevant error message would appear to be

    [JavaScript Error: "Promised response from onMessage listener went out of scope
  • Thanks Adam! For me it's not working in Mac Chrome. And it appears to be the bulk import from results page. The adding of 1 paper using the DOI method is working fine.
  • See

    It seems that you page is issuing an excessive number of ZoteroItemUpdated events, which is likely to be causing the problems here.
  • Thanks! Do you have instructions for how it should be implemented?
  • You should not be issuing ZoteroItemUpdated events at all, unless you do progressive page loading (loading content via JS), and only if Zotero does not automatically detect a translator that it should. If it does not, you should issue a single ZoteroItemUpdated event upon loading the data required for the translator to work.
  • @christiansalem: You'd still be best off writing a (fairly trivial) dedicated translator. As you know, since the Embedded Metadata translator matches the search-results page, it means anyone wanting to save an item has to right-click on the save button to get the DOI option, which no one is going to think to do.

    We're hoping to improve our embedded metadata handling so that the Connector can show a single set of items from all the generic translators that detect on a page, but that's a ways off, and even then since you have meta tags it would still offer to save the search-result page for no reason. A dedicated translator is going to offer the best experience here.
  • Hey Zotero team, coming back to this issue since we had a few more users report it. So it sounds like there are 2 recommended options:

    1. Stop issuing an excessive number of `ZoteroItemUpdated` events
    2. Create a dedicated translator

    We will prioritize #2 but I would like to this bug fixed asap, so looking to implement #1 in the next few days. Is the key to only run the `ZoteroItemUpdated` when new results are fully loaded on the page?

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