Error execution 5

When I'm trying to add a citation I have a message error "erreur d'execution 5"
The report ID is 1095181143
Thanks for the help
  • Is this an institutional computer?

    Do you have any non-standard security software on your computer? If so, try disabling it temporarily.
  • Its my personnal computer
    I dont have any software and Zotero worked normally a few days ago
    I also have a message error on Zotero on my computer saying on the library group has no longer any more space and the owner needs to increase it. I left this group to see if something changes but I still receive the same error message when I'm trying to input a citation on a Word document...
  • What macOS version?
  • You should start by updating to the latest version of Ventura or Sonoma. That's an outdated version of Ventura.
  • I just updated my mac with the latest version but still the same error message
  • What version of macOS are you on now? Can close Word completely, then reinstall the Zotero Word plugin via Zotero Preferences -> Cite -> Word Processors, then open Word and see if it works?
  • Hello
    I'm on macOS Sonoma 14.0
    I tried to reinstall the plugin twice but it still doesn't work with the same error message
  • Could you locate Zotero.dotm according to these instructions, and open it with Word. If you get prompted about enabling macros, you should enable them. Then in Word, using the menu bar go to Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor. A code editor will open. Switch back to the Zotero.dotm file, and use the Zotero tab (there might be two, in which case use the second one) attempt to cite. Upon the attempt you the code editor window should focus with the line where the attempt to call Zotero failed. Could you copy the text of that line and post it here?
  • Thanks for being so helpful thats very kind
    When I'm trying to cite, I have this line which is highlighted:
    wordAppPath$ = AppleScriptTask("Zotero.scpt", "getPath", "")
    Dunno if this sounds ok for you or if you want more details ?
  • Could you download this Zotero.dotm file, open it, and see if it works without errors? If not, do you get the error on the same line?
  • I got the same error on the same line
  • edited October 20, 2023
    Could you make sure you close Word completely (by right clicking in the icon tray and selecting Quit), then open only the Zotero.dotm file posted above and making sure it still happens?
  • Thank you it's actually working when I'm closing everything
  • What should I do to don't get the same error message then please? Thank you again you're so helpful
  • If you use the Zotero.dotm file from the above and place it in your Word Startup folder, then close Word completely and open a new Word document, do you get any errors?
  • Hello, I have the same problem than Antoine. I have no institutional computer, and have tried uninstall and re-install the zotero word plugin. But it is still not working.

    Following @adomasven advice above, I got the following line in the code editor window = wordAppPath$ = MacScript("POSIX path of (path to current application)")

    But now it seems that the zotero.dotm file you shared above is not accessible anymore. Could you help me with a new file? If it is pertinent to my case?

    Thanks in advance
  • Make sure you are running the latest version of Zotero, then reinstall the plugin from Zotero Preferences -> Cite -> Word Processors.
  • Thanks for your quick answer. I tried again to do this but it did not work. I am using zotero 6.0.37 , and Word 16.16.27 on MAc OS Big Sur 11.7.9

    I have searched in the numerous forum discussions on the topic but haven't found yet a way to repair this. Do you have another idea?
  • edited March 27, 2024
    This issue is caused by Word or even your system being unable to run AppleScript commands. A quick way to test this would be to open the, type osascript -e beep and press Enter. You should hear your computer make a beep. Sometimes restarting the Mac is enough to fix it, but I assume you have already tried that.
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