Errors in Spanish bibliographyLocale

  • Gracile - I had exactly the problem you mentioned in mind, which is why I wanted to avoid superscripting. I don't know what exactly the problem is.

    arggem: no problem. done
  • Got it!! Gracias de nuevo!
  • Arggem,
    ¿Tienes el documento en cls del APA en castellano?
    Estoy intentando crearlo en mi ordenador pero no lo consigo. Por ejemplo, me sigue saliendo "&" en vez de "y", entre otras cosas.
  • Julia - ya instalaste la versión que está en github "APA - Spanish"? Está ligado arriba con instrucciones como instalarlo.
    Para y en lugar de & hay que cambiar el estilo, pero es facil. Estás segura que APA-español no utiliza el ampersand (&)?
    Cuales son las otras problemas? Tu Firefox está en castellano?
  • Now it works! Thanks. I don't know if the oficial APA in Spanish (if that exists) has the "&" or the "y", but where I work we use the "y". How can I change it in the bibliography and in the in-text citation? I really have tried many times but i can't.
    Thanks a lot!
  • I recently had a lengthy conversation with the Style gurus at my University. Some liked "&" and others hated it. I found a copy of APA Spanish 2nd edition (based on English 5th). It states:
    3.95 p. 216

    Una los nombres dentro de una cita de autor múltiple en un text corrido por medio de la conjunción y. Dentro de un material parentético, en tablas y pies de figura, así como en la lista de referencias, una los nombres mediante el signo & (del latin et, que significa y)
    I don't know if APA Spanish 3rd edition (which I don't think is out yet) is the same or not, but apparently APA prefers "&" withing the citations. Go figure.

    I'm sure it's one the things that each institution will have opinions on.

    Adamsmith, is this new APA-Spanish the same as the one you made for me, except it now has "y" instead of "&"?
  • Adamsmith, is this new APA-Spanish the same as the one you made for me, except it now has "y" instead of "&"?
    I'll upload it to the repository soon - any other changes that should be made before?
  • Thanks a lot. That worked better.
    You ask for more changes... I actually would like to creat my own style that is a combination of at least two different and that I haven't seen at the style list. I have seen it in a PhD dissertation in my university, and I also use it, but I think it is not an "official" style. The problem is that I have tried hard to do it with csl and I can't.
    I don't know if it is possible to ask someone to help me creating my own style or if that is not the way zotero's community work.
    Anyway, tank you very much for everything.
  • depends on how complicated what you want is - I don't really have the time to spend more than 10-15mins on a style that only one person will ever use.
    But some simple changes are implemented quickly.
    Generally, though, I'd much prefer to help you with your csl problems - it's really not that hard and, as they say, we'll hold your hand while you learn.
  • Hello,
    Thanks for the help.
    I understand what you say. I am ready to do it with your help.
    I want to work starting from the APA-spanish style you have sent me.
    These are the things I would like to change:

    In-text citation

    - When there is a page number, instead of having "p.", I would like to have ":". Ex. (Coffey y Atkinson, 2003: 35). I have tried to change it but it didn't work.


    - I would like the surname of the author(s) in CAPITAL or small caps letters. Ex. COFFEY, A.; ATKINSON, P. (2003).

    - I would like, again, to have the pages of an article with ":" instead of "pp". Ex.
    SHAROT, S. (1991). "Judaism and the secularization debate", Sociological Analysis (title of the review in italics), 52(3): 255-275.

    - I don't want the pages of a chapter to be shown in the bibliography. Ex.
    WACH, J. (1967). "Religious experience and its expression". En: J. WACH (ed.), Sociology of religion (title of the book in italics). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • OK - first familiarize yourself with the instructions here

    work in the test pane - this lets you see your changes right away.
    - When there is a page number, instead of having "p.", I would like to have ":". Ex. (Coffey y Atkinson, 2003: 35). I have tried to change it but it didn't work.
    First look into the citation section of the csl (it starts with < citation >) - you find that the page (in Zotero speak the "locator" to distinguish it from the "page" which is the page range of a journal article or book) is added by a macro called "citation-locator". Find that macro, it's right above the citation section and looks like this
    <macro name="citation-locator">
    <label variable="locator" include-period="true" form="short"/>
    <text variable="locator" prefix=" "/>

    the "label" line adds the "p." - delete the entire line. Now you want a colon followed by a space in from the the locator. Just add a colon into the prefix.
    Now your macro looks like this:
    <macro name="citation-locator">
    <text variable="locator" prefix=": "/>

    There is still a small glitch, though. To fix that, go back to the citation section. Note how the citation-locator is part of a "group" - the group delimiter ", " tells you that Zotero will put a comma between each of the items in that group. You don't want that anymore, so you move the line out of the group -
    <group delimiter=", ">
    <text macro="author-short"/>
    <text macro="issued-year"/>
    <text macro="citation-locator"/>
    - I would like the surname of the author(s) in CAPITAL or small caps letters. Ex. COFFEY, A.; ATKINSON, P. (2003).
    Look into the < bibliography > section of the document. Note that the authors get added by a macro called "author". Find that macro towards the top of the style.
    Tell zotero to change the author names by putting text-case="uppercase" (for all caps) or font-variant="small-caps" into the < name... > section of that macro:
    <macro name="author">
    <names variable="author">
    <name font-variant="small-caps" name-as-sort-order="all" and="symbol" sort-separator=", "
    initialize-with=". " delimiter=", " delimiter-precedes-last="always"/>

    Since you also want authors capitalized for editors etc., do the same in the macros "container-contributors" and "secondary-contributors". Don't do it in the "author-short" macro, which is used in the in-text citation.

    OK - I'll leave it here - see if you can get this. Maybe you can also figure out your two other requests from there - if not, come back for help.
  • Thank you very much for the help!
    I have changed the "p." with the ":". It worked.
    The other things, after 2 hours trying, didn't work, or I couldn't do it.
    I think I give up. I really don't understand the problems it says that appear.
  • Julia
    entonces - aquí está
  • Dear adamsmith,
    Muchísimas gracias por toda tu ayuda y por enviarme el estilo ya preparado!!!
    I really wanted to do it myself, but I couldn't. It was the first time I was doing computer programming and, after hours trying, I realized I did'nt have the ability to do it.
    I was lucky that I could count on you.
    Thanks again!
  • Hi,
    As I see I'm getting a litle late to this discussion, but anyway I though I could add some update from my experience.

    To contextualize: I am a spanish-speaking social communication venezuelan student working on his thesis (was that TMI?). On what is important: Using Zotero 2.1.5 on Firefox 3.6.16 with MacWord Integration 3.1.2 for Word 2011 for Mac 14.0.0

    As I have read, I would have though that the bad translations would have been sorted out but neither "American Psychological Association 6th Edition" or his "... (dev)" version have worked for me. If the CLS 0.8 or 1.0 is installed on my system, I wouldn't know. And I think a Spanish dependent (am I right?) style is not listed in the repository.

    The workarounds from github worked great. I actually had to change the translation for paragraphs from "para." to "&#182", the symbol that I thinks it's a better solution than writing "párrafo", the correct translation that, as to my knowledge, doesn't have any abbreviation.

    I'll leave you guys with that,
  • Dear everybody,
    I looking for Spanish APA style, with s.f instead of n.d., "y" instead of "&", and surnames in minor capitals for bibliography instead of capital letters, but I can't found it.
    Please, could somebody help me with this?
    Thanks in advance.

    P.D. Adam, I tried both before styles but once is with "&" and other with capitals for biblio.
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