Shared Library Between Two Computers with all pdfs, How do I get to Zotero Storage from Onedrive

some years ago I used this method ( to start putting my pdfs in my uni-student-onedrive account (I had 1tb cloud storage) in order to work/read my pdfs on zotero and highlight etc from two devices (imac and macbook). I knew one day I'd face the issue that my uni-account would get suspended, now is acutually not the time, however my 1tb storage has been drastically reduced to 5gb. My onedrive-zotero folder is currently 22 gb. I can still use it, but can't upload anything new.
How do I continue using Zotero I have been used to while changing from onedrive to another cloud or the Zotero cloud?? Thank you!!
  • edited October 13, 2023
    You can use Tools → Manage Attachments → Convert Linked Files to Stored Files if you want to switch to stored files and Zotero Storage or WebDAV.
  • edited October 14, 2023
    One of the great strengths of Zotero is that it offers options to students and staff who need to downsize when their circumstances change, such as when they graduate, change institutions/jobs, or retire.

    Since you *already* have a Zotfile-based, linked files setup, some other options that maintain that setup include:
    (1) pay for more Onedrive space for your existing linked attachments folder.
    (2) find another cloud provider that gives you similar space for your linked attachments folder for less money (you can do better than Onedrive's free 5gb, but your 22gb is pushing it). Point Zotero to that new folder location with Linked Attachment Base Directory (where Zotero *looks* for linked attachments), as well as pointing Zotfile's Custom Location to that folder (where Zotfile *puts* new attachments).
    (3) Move your Zotfile attachments folder to a small portable external SSD drive, that you move between computers. Point Zotero/Zotfile as in 2. I know quite a few people who use that strategy.

    As with all Zotero use, make sure you have good backups of your data and attachments.
  • Thank you very much #dstillman and #tim820.

    regarding (1), Since it is a uni account, I cannot change anything, once I've left uni, the account will be shut within 90 days.
    So (2) and #dstillman's suggestions looks good.

    However, I'm wondering whether -I'm using Zotero 6.0.27 - the annotations and highlights I did on the pdfs, which are saved in the dateabase and not on the original pdf, would also stay if I „switch to stored files“ and/or do as described in (2)?
    Thank you.
  • As long as you annotated in the Zotero PDF reader, or have imported any annotations added in another PDF reader into Zotero, then the annotations are in your Zotero database as you say. So that doesn't change with any of the suggested scenarios. It's just the PDF files that would be moved.
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