Changing Pages Display in Footnotes and Bibliography Using Different Page Formats

Hello, I urgently need assistance with a specific issue. I must make a minor adjustment to the citation format for a journal article in the OSCOLA style in CSL, specifically differentiating between the citation in the footnote and the one in the bibliography. The journal to which I submitted my article has requested that I modify the presentation of journal article citations as follows: In the footnote, it should be in the "volume-journal title-first page" format, and in the bibliography, it should be in the "volume-journal title-page range" format.

However, when attempting to implement this change using the Visual CSL editor, I encountered a problem. It seems that any alterations I make apply to both the footnote and the bibliography, resulting in either displaying the first page or both showing the page range, even if I attempt to adjust one of them independently. I've encountered difficulties because I'm not very familiar with this macro language. I've tried searching for solutions on various forums and websites, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any answers.

I would greatly appreciate your assistance with this issue.
  • Right -- the same macro is called in the bibliography and the citation, so changing it in one place changes it in the other.
    You'll want to create a new macro, let's call is "pages" (you can call it whatever you want as long as the name is unique in the style) and then use that in the bibliography so create
    <macro name="pages">
    <if type="chapter report paper-conference" match="none">
    <text variable="page"/>

    And then in the bibliography, about row 681, all the way at the bottom of the style, change <text macro="page-first"/> to <text macro="pages"/>

  • Thank you very much for your answer. Well, I don't know how to create a new macro. Could you please tell me how to create one so that I can follow the steps you mentioned?
  • I'd just use the code editor & copy & paste. It's possible but tedious via the GUI
  • edited October 13, 2023
    Well I found how to add a macro and came to the raw : "if"
    However, I couldn't create an "if" and therefore the last 3 raws you've written are missing. How do I select "if" after "text variable="page""?
  • That's an end tag. You don't need to add those in the visual editor
  • That helped perfectly! Thank you very much.
  • edited October 13, 2023
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