Field tickets

Several field-related tickets have been highlighted by erazlogo on another thread. All have been pending for quite awhile, it might be worth taking stock on them here to clarify (for my own peace of mind as much as anything else) what needs doing for them.

(1) dedicated field for archives
This seems a straightforward item. Elena has bumped the ticket, we'll see what emerges.

(2) address for letters
The most recent forum discussion actually turned up a need for an additional place field in CSL. This issue should be aired on CSL sometime soon.

(3) original publication date
Looks like this is tied firmly to hierarchical item relations, coming later.

(4) formatting of film references
Addressing this may require an additional creator variable in CSL, for "director"?
  • maybe for film we should solicit some more advice? We have APA, MLA, and Chicago on the ticket - we should probably find out what the French do - the a) study films quite a bit and b) tend to have different ideas about citation practices - maybe Gracile would know or could find out?

    also, though there is no current ticket, the "map" item might need some love, too:
    (and scale should be mapped, but that's a different topic)
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