[BUG] (Zotero 7 beta) UI height overflow (solved)

edited October 24, 2023
Version is 7.0.0-beta.44+64a78412c (64-bit) on Windows.

In PDF viewer, the whole UI frame's height is larger than the window frame, and the bottom area of UI below the bottom of window is invisible. When scrolling down, the scroll bar penetrates the window bottom and the bottom part of content is still invisible.

Seems that the UI height is accidentally locked to the height of screen. When window is maximalized, the invisible area is about the height of taskbar. When adjusting the window height, the UI do not interact to resize.

EDIT: Solved. I switched to stacked layout and switched back to standard layout, and then this problem is gone. Seems like there are some caches from old versions that are not updated properly.
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