How to store zotoro files in the cloud instead of on my computer?

My Zotero files have grown to 23 GB and are taking too much of my computer storage. Is there a way I could be storing all of those in the cloud instead of on my computer? And if so, what cloud storage would be better--Google? Dropbox? ???? Will storage in the cloud sslow the functioning og Zotero appreciably?
  • edited October 11, 2023
    You have unlimited storage and are already storing files online. You can set Zotero to download files "as needed" in the Sync preferences, and if all your files have synced and are available online, you can just do a search using your OS file manager for all PDF files within the Zotero data directory and delete them. As you open them going forward, Zotero will download them automatically.

    An upcoming version of Zotero will make it possible to set how many days to keep local copies of files in order to save local disk space when using "as needed" mode.
  • Thanks! This clearly solves the problem. And the change in the upcoming version will be very helpful.
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