Change display format of all occurances of in text citations

Hi all,

I need to use Vancouver citations for an article I'm writing. I want to place a superscript character against certain citations to indicate what they are/ area etc. I can do this quite easily in APA where I just edit the author field in zotero and it will then display the * etc in the in-text citaiton. However, this workaround doesn't work for Vancouver.

Is there a way to get all citations of that source to display the same way throughout the text or do I just have to add a suffix every time that source is cited manually? I'm aware there is a work around already to unlink citations and then find and replace to do this as well but i'd like to keep the document updatable as long as possible but demonstrate the change to my supervisor...

Link to screen grabs -
  • It's in principle possible by adding a dedicated field to the highlighted citations (e.g. by using Annote: * (assuming you want an asterisk -- you can put anything there) and then adding the variable to the Vancouver style.
    It's more involved than with APA because you will need to modify the citation style, not just the Zotero item. On the plus side, you'll be able to use those entries without modification in other documents where you don't want the asterisk)
  • @adamsmith - thank you. You know the follow-up question is going to be "How do I add a dedicated field? I've been trying on but I can only figure out how to get an * on all citations, not just specific ones.
  • To be clear, just like you would have needed to add the field to the items in Zotero first, as per the above.
    You then use <text variable="annotate"/> as part of the citation (that's adding a new under citation/layout --> text --> variable --> annote in the GUI). You won't be able to preview this in the visual editor since none of those items have the annote field set.
  • That has worked! Thank you so much. If anyone wants to do the same - here is a link to download the style.
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